UK British Citizenship Test 3


Do You Know Which of the Houses is more important in today’s Britain?

Correct! Wrong!

The House of Commons is regarded as the more important of the two chambers in Parliament because its members are democratically elected.

Do You Know What was ‘Shampooing’ when it was first introduced?

Correct! Wrong!

Mahomet and his wife also introduced ‘shampooing’, the Indian art of head massage, to Britain.

Do You Know What county does Stonehenge stand in?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know When was the time of growing patriotism?

Correct! Wrong!

The Elizabethan period in England was a time of growing patriotism: a feeling of pride in being English.

Do You Know How many National Parks are there in the UK?

Correct! Wrong!

There are 15 national parks in England, Wales and Scotland.

Do You Know How many AMs does the Welsh government have?

Correct! Wrong!

The National Assembly has 60 Assembly members (AMs) and elections are held every four years using a form of proportional representation.

Do You Know Who is the Patron St of Wales?

Correct! Wrong!

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each have a national saint, called a patron saint.

Do You Know Which was the last successful invasion of Britain?

Correct! Wrong!

The Norman Conquest

Do You Know What do many theatres in the UK produce at Christmas time?

Correct! Wrong!

Many theatres produce a pantomime at Christmas time.

Do You Know What yearly event happens between Oxford and Cambridge Universities?

Correct! Wrong!

A Rowing Race

Do You Know What tools did the Bronze age people introduce?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Who appoints the local Chief Constable?

Correct! Wrong!

In England and Wales, the chief constable is now appointed by and accountable to the Police and Crime Commissioner of their service, or to an elected mayor, who may also dismiss the chief constable.

Do You Know What is the capital of Scotland?

Correct! Wrong!

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

Do You Know How many colonies were granted independence in 1947?

Correct! Wrong!

1947 independence was granted to nine countries.

Do You Know When were the last Welsh rebellions defeated?

Correct! Wrong!

The middle of the 15th century the last Welsh rebellions had been defeated. English laws and the English language were introduced.

Do You Know What does the York Minster have?

Correct! Wrong!

York Minster had windows of stained glass, telling stories about the Bible and Christian saints.

Do You Know What was the purpose of the Emancipation Act?

Correct! Wrong!

park are based on Norman French words.

Do You Know Which of these is an Anglo-Saxon poem?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Who is responsible for the economy?

Correct! Wrong!

Chancellor of the Exchequer responsible for the economy.

Do You Know What does the UN aim to do?

Correct! Wrong!

The UN was set up after the Second World War and aims to prevent war and promote international peace and security.

Do You Know Haggis is a traditional food of which country?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Who is Sir Chris Hoy?

Correct! Wrong!

Sir Chris Hoy (1976–) is a Scottish cyclist who has won six gold and one silver Olympic medals.

Do You Know What percentage of the UK population is Muslim?

Correct! Wrong!

4% of the UK population is Muslim.

Do You Know Which of these words is based on Norman words?

Correct! Wrong!



British Citizenship Test 3


Life In The UK Mock Test 2024 Practice life in the UK mock test 2024 for your British citizenship test,  all questions are updated 2023

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