UK British Citizenship Test 5


Do You Know What was the most important principle of the Enlightenment?

Correct! Wrong!

The right to their own political and religious beliefs and that the state should not try to dictate to them.

Do You Know What did the Magna Carta do?

Correct! Wrong!

The Magna Carta established the idea that even the king was subject to the law.

Do You Know How long does Diwali normally last for?

Correct! Wrong!

Diwali normally falls in October or November and lasts for five days.

Do You Know How many years did Mary, the Queen of Scots spend in prison?

Correct! Wrong!

Elizabeth suspected Mary of wanting to take over the English throne, and kept her a prisoner for 20 years.

Do You Know How many Russian and Polish Jews came to Britain between 1870-1914?

Correct! Wrong!

1870 and 1914, around 120,000 Russian and Polish Jews came to Britain to escape persecution.

Do You Know Where was William Shakespeare born?

Correct! Wrong!

Stratford upon Avon

Do You Know When was the Scottish Parliament established?

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know Which Castles are in use to this day?

Correct! Wrong!

Today many are in ruins, although some, such as Windsor and Edinburgh, are still in use.

Do You Know How many times did Sir Jackie Stewart win the Formula 1 championship?

Correct! Wrong!

Sir Jackie Stewart (1939–) is a Scottish former racing driver who won the Formula 1 world championship three times.

Do You Know Who is the heir to the throne?

Correct! Wrong!

The Queen’s eldest son, Prince Charles (the Prince of Wales), is the heir to the throne.

Do You Know When did the first farmers arrive in Britain?

Correct! Wrong!

The first farmers arrived in Britain about 6,000 years ago.

Do You Know When did the development of a free press happen?

Correct! Wrong!

From 1695, newspapers were allowed to operate without a government licence.

Do You Know When did Protestant ideas begin to spread?

Correct! Wrong!

Protestant ideas gradually gained strength in England, Wales and Scotland during the 16th century.

Do You Know What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland.

Do You Know When was the Giant’s Causeway formed?

Correct! Wrong!

It was formed about 50 million years ago.

Do You Know What tells us about how people lived just after the Norman Conquest?

Correct! Wrong!

The people who lived there, who owned the land and what animals they owned were also listed. This was called the Domesday Book.

Do You Know Where did the canal builders come from in the middle ages?

Correct! Wrong!

glass manufacturers from Italy and canal builders from Holland.

Do You Know Which tribes invaded Britain after the Romans had left?

Correct! Wrong!

Britain was again invaded by tribes from northern Europe: the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons.

Do You Know Which General remains a controversial figure in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

the English Parliament in Ireland but did this with such violence that even today Cromwell remains a controversial figure.

Do You Know Which of the events is the landing of allied forces in Normandy?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Who was the Iron Duke that defeated the Emperor Napoleon?

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know Who led the Scottish Army during the Battle of Bannockburn?

Correct! Wrong!

In Scotland, the English kings were less successful. In 1314 the Scottish, led by Robert the Bruce.

Do You Know When did the Romans successfully invade Britain?

Correct! Wrong!

In AD 43 the Emperor Claudius led the Roman army in a new invasion.

Do You Know What is an example of the Middle Ages architecture?

Correct! Wrong!

he White Tower in the Tower of London is an example of a Norman castle keep.




Life In The UK Mock Test 2024 Practice life in the UK mock test 2024 for your British citizenship test,  all questions are updated 2023

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