Life In The UK Test Practice 10


Do You Know When did the American Colonies declare their independence?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1776 13 American colonies declared their independence, stating that people had a right to establish their own governments.

Do You Know Who was Catherine of Aragon the first of Henry VIII’s six wives?

Correct! Wrong!

Catherine was a Spanish princess. She and Henry had a number of children but only one, Mary, survived.

Do You Know Other than London universities, which university was credited with the discovery of the DNA molecule in 1953?

Correct! Wrong!

The structure of the DNA molecule was discovered in 1953 through work at British universities in London and Cambridge.

Do You Know When did the first farmers start settling in Britain?

Correct! Wrong!

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen are famous writers

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know How many Olympic gold medals has the Scottish cyclist, Sir Chris Hoy, won?

Correct! Wrong!

Sir Chris Hoy (1976–) is a Scottish cyclist who has won six gold and one silver Olympic medals.

Is Below Statement is True OR False? Rudyard Kipling was born in South Africa

Correct! Wrong!

Rudyard Kipling was born in India in 1865 and later lived in India, the UK and the USA.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The Channel Islands are self-governing

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know In which year was Britain’s first woman Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, elected to join the parliament of United Kingdom?

Correct! Wrong!

She trained as a chemist and lawyer. She was elected as a Conservative MP in 1959 and became a cabinet minister in 1970 as the Secretary of State for Education and Science.

Do You Know Which country did NOT gain its independence from the British Empire in 1947?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1947, independence was granted to nine countries, including India, Pakistan and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).

Do You Know Magna Carta is Latin for what?

Correct! Wrong!

In Latin Magna Carta means the Great Charter

Do You Know The invasion of which country by Germany provoked UK to declare war on Germany in 1939?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know What are the parliaments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also known as?

Correct! Wrong!

Since 1997, some powers have been devolved from the central government to give people in Wales.

Do You Know Which novel is the satirical novelist Evelyn Waugh best known for?

Correct! Wrong!

Evelyn Waugh 1903–66 wrote satirical novels, including Decline and Fall and Scoop. He is perhaps best known for Brideshead Revisited.

Do You Know What followed the Bronze Age?

Correct! Wrong!

The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age, when people learned how to make weapons and tools out of iron.

Do You Know The Boer War took place in which country of the British Empire?

Correct! Wrong!

The Boer War of 1899 to 1902 made the discussions about the future of the Empire more urgent.

Do You Know What service does the TV licence pay for?

Correct! Wrong!

The money from TV licences is used to pay for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

Do You Know What is the percentage of Muslims living in the UK?

Correct! Wrong!

Much smaller proportions identified themselves as Muslim (4%).

Is Below Statement is True OR False ?Wales wasn’t under Anglo-Saxon rule

Correct! Wrong!

Parts of the west of Britain, including much of what is now Wales, and Scotland, remained free of Anglo-Saxon rule.

Do You Know Who is the author of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’?

Correct! Wrong!

Roald Dahl was born in Wales to Norwegian parents. He served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

Do You Know Which of the following is associated with the Elizabethan period in England?

Correct! Wrong!

The Elizabethan period in England was a time of growing patriotism: a feeling of pride in being English.

Do You Know What percentage of the workforce are women?

Correct! Wrong!

omen in Britain today make up about half of the workforce.

Do You Know What is Diwali?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know In 1982, which country invaded the Falklands prompting UK to send its naval force in defense?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a British overseas territory in the South Atlantic.

