UK British Citizenship Test 19


Do You Know What time do Public Houses open at?

Correct! Wrong!

Public Houses open during the day from 11.00 am (12 noon on Sundays).

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The Union Flag is made up of Welsh, Scottish, Irish and English crosses

Correct! Wrong!

Union Flag consists of three crosses.

Do You Know Who chairs the debates in the House of Commons?

Correct! Wrong!

Debates in the House of Commons are chaired by the Speaker.

Do You Know When were films first shown publicly in the UK?

Correct! Wrong!

Films were first shown publicly in the UK in 1896 and film screenings very quickly became popular.

Do You Know Which of these is NOT part of the Commonwealth?

Correct! Wrong!

The USA is not part of the Commonwealth.

Do You Know How Which TWO changes did the Chartists campaign for?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

The Chartists campaigned for reform Secret ballots, Elections every year two changes.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The Scottish Parliament was formed in 1998 and sits in Edinburgh

Correct! Wrong!

The Scottish Parliament was formed in 1999

Do You Know Where was Isaac Newton born?

Correct! Wrong!

Isaac Newton born in Lincolnshire, eastern England.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? NATO aims to maintain peace between all of its members

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know How many volunteers is The National Trust run by?

Correct! Wrong!

The National Trust was set up by just 3 volunteers. Now over 61,000 people help to run it.

Do You Know When did the Industrial Revolution take place?

Correct! Wrong!

18th and 19th centuries

Do You Know Civil servants are expected to be politically neutral, what core values should they have?

Correct! Wrong!

The civil service and its core values Impartiality.

Do You Know Where can you visit Admiral Nelson’s ship , HMS Victory?

Correct! Wrong!

Admiral Nelson’s ship, HMS Victory, can be visited in Portsmouth.

Do You Know When did the American colonies declare independence?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1776, 13 American colonies declared their independence.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The UK has a constitutional monarchy

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know Which of these names was Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s child’s name?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Which house won the War of the Roses?

Correct! Wrong!

King Richard III of the House of York was killed in the battle and Henry Tudor, the leader of the House of Lancaster, became King Henry VII.

Do You Know What was the name of plague that killed one third of the population of England in 1348?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1348, a disease, probably a form of plague called ‘the Black Death’, came to Britain.

Do You Know Where are the most serious criminal cases in Scotland heard at?

Correct! Wrong!

In High Court

Do You Know For which TWO subjects are the Secretaries of State responsible?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Secretaries of State are responsible for subjects such as education, health and defence.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The King James’ Bible is a new translation of the Bible into English

Correct! Wrong!

One achievement of King James’ reign was a new translation of the Bible into English.

Do You Know Who had the title ‘Lord Protector’?

Correct! Wrong!

Oliver Cromwell was given the title of Lord Protector and ruled until his death in 1658.

Do You Know Which TWO are located in Scotland?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Loch Lomond and the Edinburgh Castle are located in Scotland.

Do You Know How often are Elections for the European parliament held?

Correct! Wrong!

Every 5 Years

