UK British Citizenship Test 22


Do You Know What system can be used to complete a tax return if you are self-employed?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know Who is the next heir to the throne?

Correct! Wrong!

The Queen has reigned since her father’s death in 1952, and in 2012 she celebrated her Diamond Jubilee (60 years as queen).

Do You Know In the 20th century, what did Sir Edwin Lutyens design to be the seat of government in India?

Correct! Wrong!

He designed New Delhi to be the seat of government in India.

Do You Know New citizens loyalty to the Queen as part of the citizenship ceremony.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

New citizens swear or affirm loyalty to the Queen as part of the citizenship ceremony.

Do You Know What is the ‘Grand National’?

Correct! Wrong!

The Grand National at Aintree near Liverpool and the Scottish Grand National at Ayr are well known horse racing events.

Do You Know On what day does ‘Lent’ begin?

Correct! Wrong!

It is a time when Christians take time to reflect and prepare for Easter.

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? A 60 second silence is observed on the Remembrance Day

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know What is the correct order of the Patron Saints’ Days? (Starting from January)

Correct! Wrong!

St David’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, St George’s Day, St Andrew’s Day

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ?Members in the Welsh Assembly can speak English and Welsh, and all publications of the Assembly are in both languages

Correct! Wrong!

This Statement is True

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? In Scotland, judges developed ‘common law’ by following previous decisions. It was reffered to as ‘unwritten’

Correct! Wrong!

This statement is False

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? The European Convention on Human Rights is incorporated into UK law

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know What do you have to pay tax on in the UK?

Correct! Wrong!

People in the UK have to pay tax on their income, which includes:pensions.

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? Many schools organise events to raise money for extra equipment or out-of-school activities

Correct! Wrong!

This statement is True

Do You Know Who makes a speech which summarises the government’s policies for the year ahead?

Correct! Wrong!

was Queen,

Do You Know A very impressive hill fort can still be seen today at Maiden Castle, what English county does it stand in?

Correct! Wrong!

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? The UN was set up straight after the First World War. It now has over 190 countries as members

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know What is the origin of Parliament?

Correct! Wrong!

The King’s council of advisers

Do You Know Why is 1928 an important date for women’s rights?

Correct! Wrong!

Emmeline Pankhurst was born in Manchester in 1858. She set up the Women’s Franchise League in 1889.

Do You Know What are Halloween lanterns traditionally made out of?

Correct! Wrong!

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? On Valentine’s Day people exchange gifts and cards send cards to people they secretly admire

Correct! Wrong!

Valentine’s Day, 14 February, is when lovers exchange cards and gifts.

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? Nowadays, the House of Commons has more power than the House of Lords

Correct! Wrong!

The House of Commons has powers to overrule the House of Lords, but these are not used often.

Is Below Statment Is True OR False ? In Northern Ireland, minor cases are heard by a District Judge or Deputy District Judge, who is legally qualified and paid

Correct! Wrong!

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, most minor criminal cases are dealt with in a Magistrates’ Court. In Scotland, minor criminal offences go to a Justice of the Peace Court.

Do You Know Select TWO early members of the Royal Society

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Charles II was interested in science. During his reign, the Royal Society was formed to promote ‘natural knowledge’.

Do You Know What method is used to elect United Kingdom MPs?

Correct! Wrong!

MPs are elected through a system called ‘first past the post

