UK British Citizenship Test 21


Is Below Statement is True OR False ? Rudyard Kipling reflected the idea that the British Empire was a force for good

Correct! Wrong!

This statement is True

Do You Know When was a Turing machine invented?

Correct! Wrong!

A Turing machine is a theoretical mathematical device invented by Alan Turing a British mathematician, in the 1930s.

Do You Know Which TWO did the Romans establish in Britain?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

They built roads and public buildings, created a structure of law, and introduced new plants and animals.

Do You Know Which TWO are NOT part of the United Kingdom?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? Volunteering is compulsory in the UK

Correct! Wrong!

Volunteering is working for good causes without payment.It is not compulsory.

Do You Know In what county can you see a hill fort at Maiden Castle?

Correct! Wrong!

A very impressive hill fort can still be seen today at Maiden Castle, in the English county of Dorset.

Do You Know How many people lost their lives in Northern Ireland in the decades after 1969?

Correct! Wrong!

Some 3,000 people lost their lives in the decades after 1969 in the violence in Northern Ireland.

Do You Know Who led a team of scientists to develop the atomic bomb?

Correct! Wrong!

Ernst Rutherford team of scientists to develop the atomic bomb.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The Scottish Parliament (after the Magna Carta was established in England) was spilt into two estates: the Lords and the Commons

Correct! Wrong!

In Scotland, the parliament had three Houses, called Estates: the Lords, the Commons and the Clergy.

Do You Know When did the British Troops Left Iraq?

Correct! Wrong!

in 2009

Do You Know When were the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established in England?

Correct! Wrong!

by AD 600

Do You Know Robert the Bruce is associated with which country?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1314 the Scottish, led by Robert the Bruce, defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn, and Scotland remained unconquered by the English.

Do You Know After the Emancipation Act, how many Indian and Chinese workers were employed to replace the slaves?

Correct! Wrong!

Two million Indian and Chinese workers were employed to replace the slaves.

Do You Know Who was Robert Burns?

Correct! Wrong!

Scottish poet

Do You Know What does St Patrick’s cross look like?

Correct! Wrong!

The cross of St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, is a diagonal red cross on a white ground.

Do You Know Which of these countries was NOT UK’s ally in the WWII?

Correct! Wrong!


Do You Know Can the devolved administrations control sectors such as immigration, foreign affairs and taxation?

Correct! Wrong!

Simply No

Is Below Statement is True OR False? Oliver Cromwell took the title ‘King of Ireland’

Correct! Wrong!

Cromwell was given the title of Lord Protector and ruled until his death in 1658. Henry VIII took the title ‘King of Ireland’

Do You Know How many members does the Welsh Assembly have?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know What prehistoric village (off the north coast of Scotland) has helped archaeologists to understand more about how people lived near the end of the Stone Age?

Correct! Wrong!

Skara Brae on Orkney, off the north coast of Scotland, has helped archaeologists to understand more about how people lived near the end of the Stone Age.

Is Below Statement is True OR False? The British constitution is described as ‘unwritten

Correct! Wrong!

The British constitution is not written down in any single document, and therefore it is described as ‘unwritten’.

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? The burial place of one of the kings was at Sutton Hoo in modern Suffolk

Correct! Wrong!

The burial place of one of the Anglo-Saxon kings was at Sutton Hoo in modern Suffolk.

Do You Know Which TWO roles are school governors and school boards responsible for?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Is Below Statement is True OR False ? When William of Orange re-conquered Ireland (in 1690) he took the title ‘William the Conqueror’

Correct! Wrong!


